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Shadow and Bone by Leigh Bardugo

Quick Review


"What is infinite? The universe and the greed of men."


I always underestimate how wonderful a YA book can be and a fantasy YA novel, if done right, has the chance to be spectacular.

"The world is changing, Alina."


What a surprise this book was! I had been in this horrid book funk where nothing was holding my attention and Shadow and Bone quickly snapped me out of it.

This book quickly had me engrossed in its pages. The writing, the characters, and the concept had me clinging to its pages for more.


... she turned to me, and I took a startled step back, because I saw it, as clearly as if I had been standing at its edge: the abyss. Ceaseless, black, and yawning, the unending emptiness of a life lived too long.

I loved how unique the characters were. They were never perfect, always made questionable decisions and really had me thinking about who I could trust. There were times where I would even think is Alina trustworthy? This book makes it so easy to get caught up in the paranoia, deceit, and the power.


One character who really stood out to me, and I'm sure to most as well, was the Darkling.



This was his soul made flesh, the truth of him laid bare in the blazing sun, shorn of mystery and shadow.


He was an enigma, someone I was constantly trying to figure out. There was always a part of me that wanted to trust him, have Alina trust him, but when you look back, you notice that he knows everything about you... and you know absolutely nothing about him. Not even his real name.


And that HUGE twist that comes out of freaking Narnia and hits you in face... I was totally unprepared for that. But no matter what happened in the story, I was always entertained and it was unputdownable.



"The problem with wanting," he whispered, his mouth trailing along my jaw until it hovered over my lips, "is that it makes us weak."


My song for Shadow and Bone: My Body Is A Cage