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Dark Desire (Touched By You, #1) - Emily Jane Trent image
I rarely read novellas, liking a book to have time to develop without being rushed, but I was surprised with how much I enjoyed this one. I definitely see potential for this series.
Tanner is at concert, the only place that he can let go and find escape. That's where he sees Natalie.
He's had many women, more than he can count, but nothing has made him want to lose control like Natalie has. And he wants her. Whether she's ready for him or not.

There was good character development for Natalie. I really felt like I knew her and got invested into her story. She was so sweet and innocent but had some spunk.
Character development for Tanner… not so good. I felt like I barely knew him. Sometimes it works in the book's/author's favor, like Søren in [b:The Siren|10970532|The Siren (The Original Sinners, #1)|Tiffany Reisz|http://d202m5krfqbpi5.cloudfront.net/books/1335832751s/10970532.jpg|15888570], but in Dark Desire, it left me confused.
He was commanding and, with every look, made it known that he was in control.
The actual story was nice and had me wanting to keep reading. I could easily get lost into the book. I even liked the writing, which only had a few mistakes here and there.
There was a lot of detail, though. A lot. Maybe a little too much, for me. There were times I would just skim over a few parts because I didn’t need all the details and descriptions.
However, those details did come in handy during some steamy moments. Ms. Trent really knows her stuff; I was fanning myself through the whole book.

Natalie and Tanner’s relationship is an interesting one. We don’t know much about either, and they haven’t been together long, so I’m looking forward to see where it’s headed. The have the sexual tension down pat, though.
I’m looing forward to reading the other novellas!!

3.5 stars

**ARC courtesy of Emily Jane Trent Books via NetGalley in exchange for an honest review**