My Pretties

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Shadow's Claim - Kresley Cole "Take care, lest you lose a male who'll desire only you - and gain a male who'll desire only others.”

I wasn't too sure I was going to read Shadow's Claim, but I'm very happy I did.
From the start there wasn't any easing into the story, you were thrown in face first into the action.

After making a huge mistake, Bettina has agreed to a tournament (a fight to the death) where she will be married off to the victor. Her only hope is that the man she loves enters and succeeds. That is, until another mysterious man enters as well.
After living a empty and cold life ruled by logic, Prince Trehan meets Bettina, and is instantly thrusted into a life of pleasure, anger, and jealousy. Now, not only does he have to win her hand, but also her heart.

At first, I didn't think I was going to like Bettina. She was a bit weak and a pushover. She was young, but I wanted just a bit more attitude in her. As I kept reading, however, she started to become more comfortable in her own skin and had more spunk.

Trehan was drool-worthy. I just love it when their instinct kicks in and they become the you-are-my-women-forever, alpa-male.


He also did everything he could to capture Bettina's affections. I loved seeing what he was going to do next to win over Bettina. Each time I just kept falling harder and harder for. He always made sure she always felt safe and comfortable with everything they were doing and even outside the bedroom, he protected her.

I did feel bad for her unrequited love towards her best friend. I was rooting for Trehan all the way, but a part of me still felt bad she was pining for someone who didn't feel the same way.
Trehan and Bettina slowly built an emotional connection. I just wish I was able to read more about it. I felt it was a little rushed. They spent so much time on the physical, I really wasn't getting the emotional connection.

When things got bumpy along the way and information was getting confused did they, oh I don't know... communicate? Thats a big, fat NO. I mean why communicate when you could assume, and then make your lives miserable. Who would see the appeal in actual talking things out?


Some of the other characters that were featured in previous books also showed up in this one. I especially loved reading about Lothaire and Elizabeth. He was so charming and playful with Elizabeth, it just made my heart melt.

***Shadow's claim is a spinoff. I do recommend starting with Immortals After Dark series first.